Bridging the gap
for changing families

Visitation Lawyer Lincoln, NE

Children thrive when they have a positive relationship and quality time with both parents, but when the parents are not living together, disputes over parenting time, access, and decision-making for the child can quickly become contentious. If you and your child’s other parent cannot come to an agreement about child parenting and visitation time, then it may be time for a Lincoln, NE, visitation lawyer to get involved to help you assert your rights.

Are you having trouble setting a visitation schedule with your ex? Or perhaps you’re contemplating divorce and separation and need to establish legal responsibility for the child. The legal team at GordenLaw, LLC, can help with these and modify an existing custody agreement.

How Can A Lincoln Visitation Lawyer Help Me?

Visitation with a minor child is often part of a larger custody agreement, which outlines the responsibilities and interests of the child’s parents. It’s usually necessary when the child’s parents are not living together, but are raising the child together, in situations like divorce, separation, or parents who have never lived together.

For a custody or visitation schedule to be enforceable, it must be part of a court decree. While parents can arrange an informal custody arrangement without a legal decree, one parent may have no recourse if the other parent flouts or disregards the arrangements. A visitation attorney can help you draft an arrangement that represents the child’s best interests and honors the obligations of both parents and submit it to the judge.

We work with you to find a workable compromise for visitation, guiding you through negotiations with the child’s other parent in mediation or court. Our legal team advises you of your option under Nebraska law and can help you develop a plan that honors your wishes and follows state law.

Nebraska Custody And Visitation Laws

Nebraska establishes two different types of custody:

  • Physical Custody: The amount of time each parent is physically in possession of or responsible for the child. Depending on your circumstances, this may be sole, primary, or joint custody.
  • Legal Custody: This refers to each parent’s decision-making rights for the child, including where the child goes to school, their medical care (including vaccinations), extracurricular activities, religious upbringing, and overall welfare. Legal custody may also be sole, primary, or joint.

Nebraska family law courts typically designate one parent as the primary physical custodian of the child, granting visitation with the child to the child’s non-custodial parent. There is a default schedule for visitation depending on how far apart the parents live from one another, although parents may create their own arrangements as long as a judge determines that the arrangement is in the child’s best interest.

Do You Need A Visitation Agreement For Your Child?

Do you need help setting a visitation agreement with your child’s other parent? Perhaps your family dynamic has changed, and you need to revise an existing agreement. At GordenLaw, LLC, we‘re beside you during this stressful time, helping you protect your child and your parental rights. Call us today to learn more about how a Lincoln visitation lawyer can help you.